Hair reduction for everyone and every skin!

Hair reduction is a popular treatment that has been sought after by people for thousands of years! Shaving, tweezing, waxing and plucking are the most popular ways that people manage and eliminate unwanted hair. These routines haven’t changed much over the centuries… and each one needs to be repeated regularly to be effective.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) or BBL (Broad Band Light) then revolutionised hair reduction when it became widely available 15 years ago, by selectively causing light injury to the hair follicle, causing hair growth to be impaired.  IPL is now definitely an outdated technology, despite it still being commonly available and incorrectly called "laser hair removal" at many outlets. Although widely available with many cheap machines on the market and price commoditisation (promotional discounting) in retail clinics, it is not as effective, requiring many more treatments for hair reduction, so not cost-effective in the long run; and it is definitely not as safe with more side effects possible, especially in higher or darker skin types (skin of colour). If you have been offered IPL  treatments for hair reduction, please STOP; think again and seek another opinion.

Lasers represent the current best technology for hair removal – requiring just a few treatments for near-permanent results.

Laser light is by its very nature, a highly focused beam and single wavelength of light, so applying it to a large treatment area was initially a challenge – making it  potentially a long and expensive treatment process. The current best technology has now overcome these limitations through the use of scanning technology to pan the laser beam over a larger treatment area and increasing the “spot size” of the laser emission.

The current preferred best technology for Laser hair reduction is the high-powered diode laser that can emulate many wavelengths. All the major global companies that pioneered laser science have moved to this technology platform.

The most important considerations for safe and effective permanent hair reduction are:

  1. determination of the optimal wavelength of the laser light for the patient's skin and hair types
  2. presence of cooling system - type and quality, for protection of the skin surface providing increased patient comfort and safety
  3. consistency of the light energy delivery across the treatment "spot" for optimal effectiveness.

The  MeDioStar NeXT PRO XL was specifically designed to address these requirements for all patients.


Aesclepion MeDioStar NeXT PRO XL  - the latest German Technology for hair reduction

Aesclepion MeDioStar NeXT PRO XL  - the latest German Technology for hair reduction

This system provides permanent hair reduction using state-of-the-art, high-powered diode technology that is MADE IN GERMANY. This is a unique laser device which features handpieces of varying surface areas which come in a combination of wavelength mixes – 810 nm and 940 nm – allowing us greater versatility in treating both dark or fairer skin types in our patients requesting hair removal.

Choice of handpiece used depends on the desired area to be treated:

  1. Standard handpiece with tip spot size of 1.4/cm2 (particularly useful for the upper lip, bikini line and toes).

  2. XL-S handpiece with tip of 3.0/cm2 (especially useful for arms, underarms, bikini line and toes).

  3. XL-L handpiece with tip of 9.10/cm2 (the choice of tip for treatment of the chest, back, buttocks and legs, providing the largest spot size on the market for hair removal).

Thanks to diode technology and to variable pulse lengths (up to 400 msec), the MeDioStar NeXT PRO XL system allows the treatment of all skin types I – VI, including Asian skin and tanned skin. The adjustable pulse duration combined with skin cooling prevents thermal damage, such as burning to the epidermis. There is no more need to suspend the treatment during the summer and not to treat very dark skin types, thanks to this unique combination of wavelengths.

Our system at Medico Estetica also includes the MeDioStar NeXT PRO ALEX handpiece, which brings the Alexandrite wavelength (755 nm) and the latest diode technology together, combining the efficacy of the high melanin absorption of the Alexandrite with all the benefits of the diode. This wavelength allows us to treat up to skin Type III and is especially suited for thinner and lighter hairs.

Integrated High Power Peltier Skin Cooling

The MeDioStar NeXT PRO handpiece is fitted with an advanced system that cools the area to be treated immediately before emitting the pulse, guaranteeing greater comfort and safety for the patient during treatment. A monitoring system inside the laser device regulates the cooling level, always keeping the skin temperature low and ensuring minimal pain and extremely delicate treatment for all skin types. This laser feels more cold than hot during treatments!

Homogenous Spot for a Safe and Precise Treatment

Thanks to the TAPER technology (a special quartz fibre bundle developed by Asclepion) the laser beam is transmitted in a very uniform way, guaranteeing the even treatment of the treated areas. Due to the uniform distribution of energy and the square-shaped beam, there are no gaps between the spots and no zones that are hotter or cooler than others. This guarantees safe treatment with very low risk of side-effects.

Who is a Candidate?

All patients are candidates, as this laser treats all skin types.

What Areas of the Body Can be Treated with Laser Hair Removal?

All areas can be treated with laser hair removal. The most common areas treated for both men and women are:

  • In Women – upper lip, chin, bikini line, arms, legs and underarms

    • Some women have fluffy, white or lanugo facial hair – this is a common circumstance that is not generally suitable by light-based treatments; however we use a proven protocol with a different type of laser that is effective in providing permanent hair reduction. Please consult us.

  • In Men – shoulders, back, chest, beard/neck region

Currently our most versatile laser for all areas of hair is the MeDioStar NeXT PRO XL as it provides the most efficient method for hair reduction, with minimal pain.

Fast and painless treatments on sensitive areas like female face, arm-pits and thighs to legs. 

Fast and painless treatments on large areas like a male back or chest.

How Many Treatments are Necessary?

This will vary with the area treated, depending on hair type and skin colour. The majority of patients have a significant reduction in hair growth in the treated areas with 3 – 6 treatments. Those patients with coarse or light hair, or darker skin types, or males may require more,  in the range of 5 – 10 treatments.

Laser hair removal response may vary considerably between people and in the same person between different body areas. Underarm and bikini areas are very responsive, whereas facial areas are more likely to require ongoing treatments.

Darker-skinned patients require a few more sessions compared to light-skinned patients undergoing hair removal.

Males with thicker hair that is primarily testosterone driven will require a few more sessions.

Females with hormonal causes of excessive hair growth (like Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome – PCOS) will require a few more sessions.

Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

The degree of pain associated with laser and light treatments does depend on which device is used. No topical anaesthesia is usually required with the MeDioStart NeXT PRO XL as a result of its advanced cooling technology.

Is Hair Removal Permanent?

Laser hair removal is the most effective method of hair removal available; with 3 – 6 treatments, the majority of patients achieve significant reduction in hair growth.  But the response of laser hair removal does vary considerably between people, and in the same person between different body areas.

In cases of excessive hair growth in females due to hormonal causes (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome – PCOS), and in some men with strong testosterone drive, hair removal will need to be repeated on a more regular basis to maintain results.

What are the Side-Effects of Laser Hair Removal?

The appearance of the treated area immediately following treatment will vary from patient to patient, depending on the extent of the procedure and your skin type.

Side-effects are rare and if they do occur, are typically minor:

  • Some redness and swelling around the hair follicle may occur. This indicates that the hair follicle has responded to treatment. The redness usually subsides within 12 hours.

  • Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the treated area) is rare, and if it does occur it is usually temporary.

  • Hypopigmentation (lightening of the treated area) is very rare, and if this occurs it is usually temporary. It is much more likely in people with olive or dark skin.

  • Blistering and crusting are rare.

  • Scarring is rare.

Before and After Treatment Instructions

By following the recommended “before” and “after” treatment instructions, you will achieve an optimal result.

Before Treatment:

  • For two weeks prior to laser hair treatments and in between treatments, you must avoid:

    • Excessive sun exposure and tanning beds (particularly 48 hours after each treatment). Inform our Clinician if sunburn has occurred at any time during the course.

    • Fake tan preparations and spray tans.

    • Sun exposure and topical tanning products increase skin pigmentation and make laser treatments less effective and increase the potential for side-effects from treatment.

  • Waxing, tweezing or electrolysis and hair removal cream are to be avoided for one month prior to treatment.

  • Shave the area to be treated one to three days prior to treatment.

  • If possible, do not wear make-up to your appointment. Please inform our Clinician if you are wearing make-up so it can be removed prior to treatment.

  • Depending on your skin type, a patch test may be required. This sometimes needs to be performed a few days/weeks prior to commencing treatment.

  • No anaesthetic is generally required. If requested, a local anaesthetic cream may be applied 45 minutes prior to treatment. This is not included in the cost of treatment.

  • If your pain threshold is low or you are anxious, you can take Paracetamol, with or without Codeine, 45 minutes to one hour prior to treatment, or we can administer an oral pre-medication via sublingual drops as soon as you arrive for your appointment. Please request this when we are planning your treatment program.

After Treatment:

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure for six weeks after a course of treatment. Use a broad spectrum 50+ sunscreen containing titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide whenever the area is exposed to the sun. We have available new generation sunscreen products that block UVA, UVB, Visible, and IR-A light.  After facial treatments we recommend wearing a hat in addition to sunscreen when in the sun.

  • There may be some redness and swelling to the treated area. Vaseline or aloe vera gel/after-sun lotion can be applied to the area after treatment for a soothing effect. Applying an ice-pack will also soothe the area.

  • If crusting occurs, an antibiotic ointment or Vaseline should be applied twice daily to keep the area moist. The crust should be allowed to fall off naturally. DO NOT PICK.

  • If there is any indication of infection, please contact us urgently.

  • If the area blisters, please contact us. Treat the area with extreme care.

  • You can bathe as usual after treatment. The treated area should not be rubbed with a face cloth or towel – it should be gently patted dry. Moisturiser may be applied frequently if your skin feels dry or is crusting.

  • Do not shave/wax the area for a few days after treatment as your skin may be sensitive. Do not shave/wax at all if crusting is present.

  • Make-up can be applied after your treatment if desired. However, caution should be used when applying or removing make-up as treated areas are very delicate. Make-up applied/removed roughly can expose the treated area, increasing the chance of infection and scarring.

  • Avoid swimming, spa pools, sports and strenuous exercise for 24 hours after treatment.

  • After treatment some hairs may fall out. You may notice that the hair appears to grow one to two weeks after treatment. This is due to the body pushing out the hair once the follicle has been damaged by the laser’s light. It may take up to two weeks for these hairs to fall out.


Our MeDioStar NeXT PRO XL features the largest spot available on the market and offers an extraordinary hair removal experience at the highest speed.

The special wavelength mix of 810 & 940 nm allows us to reach even the deeper follicles, for efficient and effective treatments in all skin types. Our additional ALEX 755 nm wavelength further extends its use to be highly effective in people with lighter skin types and with finer and fairer hair.

Thanks to SmoothPulse Mode the treatment is higher powered and faster than ever, but still painless as the new 360° skin cooling system allows a highly efficient pre-cooling of the epidermis, protecting it from the risk of burns and allowing the treatment in any direction. This guarantees the best comfort for you with fast and painless treatments. 

The XL-S and XL-L tips are specifically designed for the optimal comfortable  treatment of both larger and smaller areas.